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things i like, really like

JUNE 2013 - I was on my way home after having a pizza lunch with my boy. Listening to Saturday morning National Public Radio, when the thought hit me:

I like NPR. I mean, REALLY like it. Not all of it. I can do without the liberal commentary, and I can handle the classical music only in small doses. But, the Saturday morning game shows and Car Talk, This American Life with Ira Glass along with Prairie Home Companion and Splendid Table on Sunday afternoons, I REALLY like those. I’ll hunt down the podcasts; even get a little ticked if I miss them.

There are things that I enjoy with a kind of fleeting enjoyment. Things I like in the moment, but quickly forget afterwards and don’t fret too much if I miss them. Those are not things I like. So, this day is dedicated to the random things that I like, REALLY like:

  • National Public Radio

  • Jeep Wranglers (This has to count. I don’t own one, but I want one REALLY bad. Ask my family. For 16 years it is the only Father’s Day gift I have consistently requested. One day…)

  • Louis Giglio

  • The smell of pine straw warmed by the sun

  • Andy Stanley

  • A good-looking yard

  • Harry Potter, books, movies, I don’t care. I like the story, the characters, the concept, the magic.

  • Air conditioning and fireplaces (as appropriate)

  • Rick Bragg’s story telling

  • The Sunday Atlanta Journal-Constitution

  • Francis Chan, Kyle Idleman and David Platt (spiritually challenging, thank you, David Harper)

  • Exercise

  • Cheesecake (probably not in that order)

  • John Mayer’s Born and Raised album (thank you, Daniel Bevels), but not to the exclusion of Carole King, James Taylor, Fleetwood Mac or Journey (thank you, Jimmy Miller)

  • Great photography

  • Appalachian Grill (thank you, Donna Braden)

  • Schroeder’s New Deli

  • Facebook

  • Words with Friends

  • My favorite khakis straight from the dry cleaners

  • Good neighbors

The list goes on. These just happen to be top of mind at the moment. Now, these are NOT things I love. That’s a much different list. It is filled with people whose time I cherish, and the times I have spent with them. These are some of those pieces of my life that I’ve come to enjoy and appreciate because they add a layer of enrichment and texture that wouldn’t be there otherwise. I REALLY like them.

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