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speaking the truth

Updated: Jul 22, 2022

FEBRUARY 2010 - Over the past few weeks there have been a few celebrity-types who have gotten my attention for their public stand.

It all started with Johnny Weir, the American figure skater who likes to wear flashy costumes. Now Johnny's not exactly the role model I'd want my son to have, but on at least one occasion recently, the flamboyant Mr. Weir earned my respect.

Johnny had a favorite costume with a fur trim that he wore at the United States Figure Skating Championships, and the PETA people got all bent out of shape about it. They demanded that he apologize, remove the fur and I don't know what else. Johnny said there had been threats against him, that his agent had gotten letters and faxes and emails, and he was very threatened by these messages. He received letters at the Olympic ice rink, and somebody found his phone number. In the end, I think Johnny gave might have removed the fur, but not before speaking his mind.

The fur comment came just days after the devastating earthquakes in Haiti. Here was Johnny's reply: “There are humans dying every day. There are thousands, if not millions, of homeless people in New York City. Look at what just happened in Haiti. I tend to focus my energy, if there is a cause, on humans. While that may be callous and bad of me, it’s my choice.” Well said, Johnny!

I have two dogs and a cat. In the past I've owned hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, a gecko and fish. Earlier this year, my son rescued two baby bunnies that we attempted to nurse to health. Johnny is right. PETA likes to talk about the silliness of "animals wearing animals," how about the silliness of starting a ruckus over a costume just days after 200,000 poor Haitians died in a devastating earthquake?

Right about the same time Sarah Palin issued a statement regarding some Washington D.C. higher-ups reckless use of the "R" word. I get on to my kids when I hear them use the word. It's insensitive, offensive and unnecessary. Just so you know, I get on to them for using words like "stupid" and "idiot" too. Sarah hit the nail on the head, though when she called out Rahm Emmanuel for his using the "R" word to describe some groups who were thinking of running some ads criticizing the President. Not only did you use the "R" word, he dropped the "F" bomb in front of it. Sarah said he ought to be fired.

"Just as we’d be appalled if any public figure of Rahm’s stature ever used the “N-word” or other such inappropriate language, Rahm’s slur on all God’s children with cognitive and developmental disabilities – and the people who love them – is unacceptable, and it’s heartbreaking." Amen Sarah. Rahm needs to have his mouth washed out with soap and could probably do with a trip behind the woodshed.

Here's the deal: I'm doing everything I can to raise right these two young-uns God has placed in my care. They hear this stuff on TV, at school and on the Internet. They need to know that just because an adult says it doesn't mean it's good or right. They need to understand things like respect and priority, and I could sure use some help along the way. I don't want my boy to grow up to be Johnny Weir, and I'm pretty sure I don't want my girl to aspire to Sarah Palin. But I do want them both to recognize that position brings attention, attention brings influence and influence brings responsibility. I want them to grow up to be responsible adults who know that we should guard our words and to speak respectfully and that in a world where there is pain and hardship, our concern for people should trump animals every time.

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