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i found a new candidate for president, and her name ain't hillary

UPDATE: Since this was written, I have met Sondi. She was every bit the awesome human I expected her to be. I saw on on Broad Street walking with my buddy, Tim. I immediately recognized her and knew I had to introduce myself.

MARCH 2016 - She is one brave woman.

I have never met her, but after reading a letter she wrote to her children warning them that nobody deserves a free ride, I would sign up right now to be the manager and publicist for the Sondi Justice for President campaign.

I first read Sondi’s blog, Rebel Without A Clue, about a year ago. She filmed a promotional video for a fundraiser concert. She was funny, unexpected and sincere. I figured she was a comedienne making a name for herself on the stand-up circuit. I figured she already had a TV pilot and some commercials under her belt.

She doesn’t. Sondi is a Cedartown, Georgia hair dresser. She’s a politically conservative, Jesus-loving rocker chick. A little Kellie Pickler with a hint of Dolly Parton and a touch of Tammy Wynette, she is the poster child for not judging a book by its cover. Her short, spiky hair is crazy blonde. Her eyeliner is thick and her multiple tattoos are what you’d expect from someone who has done time in Jackson for something heinous. She hasn’t. If Cedartown was Harper Valley, the PTA would be in an uproar over this president.

I’d tell you about her tattoos and signature look, but I could never do it justice. Read her blog. She explains it all right there in a witty, honest, sincere, endearing way that makes you want to invite her to dinner and ask her to give her testimony at church.

Sondi came to mind when a friend and I were talking about not judging people by their appearances. I told Jen she should go to Sondi’s website and read her blog to drive that point home. That’s when I found her most recent blog post, the letter to her kids.

Here’s an excerpt:

Kids, I believe that government assistance is for those who can’t do for themselves, or for those who need help getting on their feet. It is meant for the sick, the elderly, and the needy. It is not meant for folks that are able to work to live off of and it’s also not meant to supplement income so you can go to Disney World every summer. I do not agree with folks that choose government assistance to help them out because they do not want to pay full price for insurance or groceries. They will pull into the grocery store parking lot in a brand new Tahoe, and they smell like suntan oil from laying by their pool all day. After shopping, they will shamelessly walk straight up to the cash register and pull from their Michael Kohrs (sic) pocket book, a Coach billfold, and from that, a dad gum EBT card. That spirit of entitlement is wrong. It is a shame. Everybody wants nice stuff, but nobody wants to hit a lick of work for it. It is only right that you EARN what you have, and it’s the only way you will ever appreciate what you have. I’m going to tell ya’ll (sic) straight up… nobody owes ya’ll a dang thing. I know that’s hard to swallow coming from your Mom but I ain’t known a soul yet to choke to death from swallowing the truth.


In the shadow of our politically correct society, where it’s everybody’s right to be offended and nobody’s right to offend and where truth is no longer an absolute but an ever-moving cursor on an infinite line of emotional baggage, Sondi is fresh air, oxygen. Forget Trump, Cruz or Rubio, I’m waging a campaign to put Justice in the White House.

So, this is my official outreach to you, Sondi. I hope somebody sends this to you. We seriously need to hang out. Based on your blog bio, I know we’d be instant friends. I paid my way through college cutting hair. I love Jesus more than anything, and I love to sing in church. I, too, am PTO president, have taught AWANA and, like you, I have had to present my kids with some hard facts of life that they wish they didn’t have to know. And, like you, I know, in the end, they’ll thank me for it. I don’t have any tattoos, but I already know you won’t judge me because of it.

Now that you’ve read this post, go read Rebel Without a Clue. You will be entertained, moved and convicted. Then, come back here so that we can start working on Sondi’s campaign. #JusticeintheWhiteHouse2016 #SondiforSenate #RebelforRepresentative

P.S. Kudzu Dad reached a milestone this week. My 10,000th viewer stopped by March 13. Ten thousand views is not a big number in the world of blogs, but it means a bunch to me. So, thank you. I’ve got a few ideas for the next 10,000, including telling other people’s stories.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day.

May you always have Walls for the winds, A roof for the rain, Tea beside the fire, Laughter to cheer you, Those you love near you, And all your heart might desire.

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