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i can do all things

APRIL 2012 - That window in time when every young dreamer is told to bury her individuality, unique talents and special gifts in favor of a statistical median is here again: The dreaded standardized test season has come.

These tests have become so important to teacher jobs, administrative salaries and career ladders that the pressure put on our kids to perform is mind-blowing. My oldest, the boy, never let the pressure get to him. My youngest, the girl, she’s a different story. She wants her teachers to look good. She wants to look good. She wants to please her parents.

To do that, she follows every test rule the teachers give their students:

• Go to bed early.

• Eat a good breakfast.

• Bring extra, sharpened #2 pencils

Not wanting to take any chances, she did one more thing that made my heart swell.

In the course of getting ready this morning, she asked me what scripture says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I should have that reference at the tip of my tongue, but, at 7:30 a.m., I did not. I did, at least, send her to the right letter. Needing a quick answer, we tried my iPhone. When I asked Siri, her reply was, “It is a mystery to me.”

I shouldn’t have been surprised. I asked Siri on Sunday who Jesus was. This was her reply: “I eschew theological discussion.” My girl Googled it instead and got her answer: Philippians 4:13.

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me,” is how the New American Standard Bible translates it.

I asked her why she wanted to know.

"I want you to write it on my hand,” she said.

I can’t tell you how good that makes me feel.

This conversation had continued in the car on the way to school. We stopped at a stop sign, and, taking a blue, fine-tipped Sharpie, I wrote very carefully beside her right thumb:

“I can do all things. Phil. 4:13”

When she sits down with her #2 pencil, she’ll see that verse on her hand, and she’ll proceed with confidence. She CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens her. It’s her life’s testimony, and it’s continuing right now.

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