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four good and perfect things

FEBRUARY 2016 - I had an unexpected pleasure this week.

I met a gentleman who, many years ago, worked for Thomas Frist Sr., the founder of Hospital Corporation of America. You could hear the admiration in his voice and see it in his eyes. It was clear that he respected this successful icon and humanitarian.

The man said that Mr. Frist taught him that there were four priorities in life, and that if he took care of those four things, success would follow. When a man sets the stage for that kind of revelation, you lean in, and I did. His words were gold. Those four things that Mr. Frist priortized?

  • A good night’s rest.

  • Time with your family.

  • An honest day’s work.

  • An overarching faith.

A good night’s rest, because if you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of the other priorities.

Time with your family, because they are the reason you work and your support.

An honest day’s work, because you are being paid to do your best, and that work provides the resources you need to take care of your other priorities.

An abiding faith. Although quiet about it, Mr. Frist understood that his faith influenced all the other areas of his life.

James, the brother of Jesus, wrote that every good and perfect gift comes from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

That meeting, that conversation, was good and perfect, and it most definitely came from above. I have a Father of lights, who does not change, and who sends unexpected gifts that remind me to always be listening for His voice.

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