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before rushing ahead to christmas, let's stop and be grateful

NOVEMBER 2017 - It’s two days before Thanksgiving, and I am as giddy as a kid on Christmas Eve.

My boy, my musician, my college JUNIOR is coming home for a few days. We saw him briefly about a month ago, but this is somehow different. I know he wanted to be with us for the holiday, but not as badly as we wanted him here. When he is home, our family is complete. My girl, a college freshman, is still living with us for just a while longer, but the call of adulthood is already pulling her away more and more. Having them both home for Thanksgiving is a gift from heaven.

As the media and retail industry jump straight from Halloween to Christmas, I’m intent and content to settle in right here, in this late November space. Before I wrap the first present or pull out our favorite red plaid ribbon, I want my family, my whole family, to stop and savor moments. I want us to relish the crunch of leaves beneath our feet, the harvest golds and pumpkin oranges and the Thanksgiving traditions we’ve grown to love.

The turkey has been purchased and the sweet potatoes are waiting. They’ll be joined by Southern fried chicken, yeast rolls, cranberry chutney and apple pie. Later on, we’ll assemble and decorate gingerbread houses; the dough is in the fridge. We’ll watch a holiday-themed movie, and we’ll pull out this year’s jigsaw puzzle, which always debuts on Thanksgiving and takes us through Christmas.

I’ve been more intentional about celebrating gratitude this year, maybe that’s why I’m looking ahead with an anticipation that is practically vibrating. I highly recommend it. If you’re struggling with giving thanks, I encourage you to pause and take stock. You might be surprised at what you discover.

  • Take a walk and notice the light illuminating autumn leaves and be grateful for the sun and fall beauty.

  • Smile at a scarecrow or enjoy the aroma of brewed apple cider and be grateful for creativity and vision.

  • Are you healthy? Be grateful for that gift.

  • If not, do you have access to quality health care? 400 million people in the world do not. Be grateful.

  • Is there a roof over your head? 100 million people in the world are homeless, while 1.6 billion people have inadequate shelter. Be grateful.

  • Do you have food in your belly? One in nine people are suffering from chronic undernourishment. Be grateful.

  • Do you have a job? 200 million employable adults in the world do not. Be grateful.

  • Have you had lunch with an old friend or enjoyed a cupcake with someone you love? That is a blessing. Be grateful.

So, pardon me if I don’t rush out on Black Friday (unless that’s what my clan wants to do), and please excuse the pumpkins at the front door and around the mailbox. There’s plenty of time for evergreens and pine cones. For the next few days, we’ll be in thanksgiving mode–grateful for every moment we share and expressing gratitude for a lifetime of blessings.

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