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an invitation to just be


Arriving home later than usual, the sun’s last rays cast warm, flattering light as my bride of almost 23 years issued an invitation I could not refuse—to sit with her in the back yard.

We sat in the Adirondack chairs we placed around the fire pit earlier this year. The weather was perfect. The maples already were yellow. The mosquitoes had retreated. The dogs were chasing one another. The only sound was dogs barking in the distance.

We talked briefly about the big news of the day: “A” had found THE dress (not THAT dress, but THE HOMECOMING DRESS for senior year). It is perfectly pink, and she loves it. After that conversation, the words drifted away on the slight breeze, and we sat in silence.

I took a deep breath, and realized just how blessed I am to spend this evening sitting with my wife in near-perfect weather. Our kids are happy and healthy. We are happy and healthy. Life is good.

Oh, I still have a to-do list about a mile long. There are still debts to pay and things to buy, but in this snippet of time, I found the value of being in the moment, aware of the beauty and appreciative of the simple blessings.

That would be my wish for you this weekend. Let go of the list or the agenda, and rest. Drink in the details. Allow yourself to tune in to the moment and tune out the distractions. Stop doing, and start being.

Be patient. Be kind. Be love to those who need it. Be a blessing to someone. Accept this invitation to just be.

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