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a genuine, handwritten, because-the-sender-is-a-thoughtful-person thank-you note

SEPTEMBER 2016 - I got a thank you note! It is a genuine, handwritten, because-the-sender-is-a-thoughtful-person thank-you note, and it made my day. It means the world to me that someone would take the time out of their life to say, “Thank you.” It means double when that someone takes the extra time to write it down and send it to me. It means triple when that someone goes to the extra effort to hand-write carefully chosen, sincere words of thanks. And, in this particular instance, I am off-the-scale honored to receive a hand-written, folded card, in a sealed envelope. If anyone deserved a bye on thank you notes, it’s this person. The friend who sent it is extremely busy at work and in the community. The sender of this note has a kid in college and another at home and some extremely serious family health issues. And, yet, this person took the time to pull out a card and a pen, organize thoughts, write them down and send them. I am grateful, and I am humbled. How many times could I have sent a card? How many times could I have said, “thank you?” The list is running through my head right now.

  • The parents of my boy’s college roommate last year. These two have become best of friends, and I am so grateful for their son’s good raising.

  • The sweet lady at church, who, despite multiple health and age issues, continues to be the picture of faithfulness.

  • The lady at my daughter’s school who is keeping the parent involvement ship righted.

  • The neighbor who noticed Ivy was outside at an unusual time of day and wanted to make sure she was supposed to be there.

  • The generous folks who have donated money to help with my upcoming mission trip.

  • The trainer at the gym who invited me to an impromptu Tabata class yesterday that made me realize I’m not working out hard enough.

I’m already overwhelmed, but you know what? Just like my friend who took a moment to say thanks, I can too. It starts with just one card.

How about you? Who can you send a thank-you note to today? And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15 ESV

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