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a daniel tiger christmas

DECEMBER 2015 - My sweet cousin, already a candidate for World's Greatest Mom, posted on Facebook this picture of her family's nativity scene.

She noted the special addition of Daniel Tiger to the Magi lineup.

Sure enough, there he is, right there beside Melchior. Or is that Balthasar?

I love it.

I miss the days of celebrating Christmas with toddlers.

I long for Christmas tree decorations hanging at 3-feet or lower that later have to be moved. I miss the toys and school-made ornaments. I even miss the Christmas Eve-assembling of trampolines and scooters.

I miss Elmo Saves Christmas and the Arthur and Little Bear Christmas specials.

So, when I saw her post, I couldn't help but pause and consider the wonder and innocence that would add Daniel Tiger to the Nativity. I imagined a Daniel Tiger Christmas story and shared it with my cousin, the World's Greatest Mom. (Did I tell you that she has a toddler and even younger twins?) Daniel's Christmas just might go something like this (My apologies to the creator of Daniel Tiger. I couldn't help myself.):

Daniel Tiger's Christmas Lesson

Daniel Tiger loved Christmas, but he was confused. The were trees with tinsel and toys everywhere. There are flashing lights and big red Santas. Daniel's mommy watched Christmas specials with couples kissing under white-berried mistletoe while sipping eggnog. Daniel wasn't sure what all this had to do with the manger scene on the mantel or the Christmas carols on the radio. Had he missed something?

One night, Daniel decided to see for himself. The little church near Daniel's house had a life-sized manger scene with real people and real animals, and Daniel's family was going to see it. When he got there, he saw that, just like at Halloween, some people dressed in costume! Daniel wasn't dressed in costume, but he didn't let that stop him. When three men dressed in beards, robes and crowns walked toward the baby Jesus, Daniel stood in line behind them. He was going to see the baby!

But Daniel's joy soon turned to sadness. He hadn't realized that each of the bearded men had brought gifts for the baby. Daniel didn't have a gift. The first man gave the baby gold. Daniel didn't have any gold. The next man offered something called frankincense. Daniel didn't know what that was, but it must have been important. The man in front of Daniel gave myrrh. He didn't know what that was either.

Daniel searched his pockets. He found a piece of string, his favorite marble and a broken candy cane still in its wrapper. Tears welled in his eyes and rolled down his furry cheeks. He was sad and embarrassed.

Daniel Tiger was next. What would he say? What would he give? His paw felt the marble in his pocket. His FAVORITE marble. It was called Tiger's Eye, and it was his ONLY one. The pastor at Daniel Tiger's church had said God gave his ONLY son for us. Daniel knew what to do.

Daniel Tiger took his most prized possession and offered it to the baby in the manger. His tears stopped and he smiled brightly. Christmas isn't about tinsel and toys, Daniel Tiger thought to himself. It's much more than that.

And that is how Daniel Tiger came to stand with the three Wise Men at the manger, for Daniel Tiger was wise, very wise indeed.

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