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Writer's pictureBill Fortenberry

a beautiful testimony

MARCH 2013 - NOTE: It's been a while since I've posted anything here. Life has been crazy through a long, twisting and turning journey for my family, but I'll write about that another day. This post is not about me. It's about a woman I never met, who has inspired me and challenged me beyond measure.

UPDATE (AUGUST 2022) - Several years after writing this blog, Jacob Evans entered our lives. I didn't know at the time that I had written about his mother, but when I realized that I knew a little bit about his story, well, I was moved. Jacob has his mother's smile and eyes. He's one of those incredibly gifted young people who have the looks of a super model, the talent of a rock star and the heart of a missionary. He and my son, Ethan, became friends, connecting over music and gumption. I felt a connection with Jacob early on. I know now that it was because I had read his mother's blog. She and her children are a treasure.

Melinda Evans is the beautiful lady on the left.

I didn’t know Melinda Evans. I didn’t know anything about her at all until a Facebook friend posted her obituary notice.

Melinda is a Rome native who was serving as a missionary with her family in the Dominican Republic when she died last week, at the young age of 42, from Dengue fever. Her funeral is tomorrow. In tracking down information about her, I discovered her blog, specifically, a blog she entitled Coming Clean.

Here we are two days out from a major storm that knocked off power, cut water supply, and yes, took a life here. Most of us were either unaffected or, at the most, inconvenienced. Melinda gave up all of the comforts I see so many people complaining about for the cause of Christ. And, in this particular blog post, talks about how God spoke to her lovingly and personally to give her perspective.

Now, she has given her life in service to our Lord and Savior. I hope you’ll read her words and feel the same passion, compassion and, yes, shame, that I felt when I complain about a temporary loss of power, having to wait too long at the doctor’s office, or pollen.

Please read Melinda’s words. Then, ask for forgiveness for taking your life for granted. Then, pray for Melinda’s family as they say goodbye to this amazing woman of God.

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